Education loans are a great way to fund your education and reach your educational goals. They are a type of loan specifically designed to help pay for college tuition, books, supplies and other educational expenses. Education loans typically have lower interest rates than other types of loans, and repayment plans are often tailored to the borrower's needs. With an education loan, you can bridge the gap between the cost of college and what you can afford.

Main Features :
  1. Complete Digital Process
  2. Education loan upto 10 Lakhs
  3. No cost or Low cost EMIs
  4. Education Insurance
  5. Digital KYC, eNACH & eSign
  6. Rewards for Availing Loans

We have partnered with LEO1 (Gajju Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) for sourcing education loans & recovery of those loans.

Our Digital Lending Sourcing Partners